Golan Telecom

Version: v.4
Country: Israel
Author: Boris Lipschitz
Installs: 40
Rating: 10 / 93
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Provider Golan Telecom is used to show information from your personal account of «Golan Telecom» in mobile application AnyBalance. Get to know balance of your phone, rest of traffic/minutes/sms and other information from personal accounts at one place!

Golan Telecom calls/SMS/data for a single, but selectable, phone number. Please note, this provider may be disctontinued at any point. Golan Telecom site changes may render this provider useless. Golan doesn't provide a proper API, while at the same time their site implementation doesnt allow for a reliable parsing.

Available information (indicators/counters)

Calls, Messages, Data, Price

Update history

ВСрсия 4 ΠΎΡ‚ 19.02.2015:
- Golan site modifications related fixes.

ВСрсия 3 ΠΎΡ‚ 15.07.2014:
- Time format has been updated to minutes and seconds only.

ВСрсия 2 ΠΎΡ‚ 12.07.2014:
- Fixed the first line details always being shown even when another line is specified in the setting.
- Current price has been added.
- Minor provider description bugfix.

ВСрсия 1 ΠΎΡ‚ 11.07.2014:
- Initial version.