Trading Signals for MetaTrader

Version: v.5
Country: Entire world
Author: wtiger
Installs: 386
Rating: 31 / 28
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Provider Trading Signals for MetaTrader is used to show information from your personal account at Trading Signals for MetaTrader in mobile application AnyBalance. You can use AnyBalance to get balance of your card/account/phone, rest of traffic/minutes/sms and other information from any personal accounts at one place!

This provider helps you to watch the signals on

Available information (indicators/counters)

Initial deposit, Deposits, Total deposit, Withdrawals, Currency, Balance, Equity, Current profit, Profit, Subscribers, Subscribers funds, Maximum drawdown, Weeks, Latest trade, Trades per week, Trades total, Avg holding time, Profile balance, Profile currency

Update history

Версия 5 от 06.08.2018:
- Updated due to site changes.

Версия 4 от 30.07.2017:
- Updated due to site changes.

Версия 3 от 04.06.2015:
- Profile balance and currency counters added.

Версия 2 от 02.07.2014:
- Counter "Trades total" added.
- Option "Multiplier" added. Now you can watch your cent-accounts as non-cent, just set this option to 100.